Tommy Rombouts

Tech-no-logy artist
Audiovisual content creator connecting old and new technologies. On a mission to push music culture forward.

Archive 2011: 3D modelling & Python Molecular Viewer

Most of the creation is done with Cinema4D. Cinema4D allows to add extra functions using Python. With the open-source plug-in, embedded Python Molecular Viewer (ePMV) animators can tap into scientific databases, such as the Protein Data Bank (, to extract molecular structures, images, microscopy data and other key information.

Tools used:

Maxon Cinema4D R13

Joel O tron’s MicroFloaties Rig

Adobe After Effects

Python Molecular Viewer – credits: Johnson, G.T. and Autin, L., Goodsell, D.S., Sanner, M.F., Olson, A.J. (2011). ePMV Embeds Molecular Modeling into Professional Animation Software Environments. Structure 19, 293-303.

The animation is just a proof of concept, i’m an animator not a scientist, the visual representation is not verified. For accurate information on the IgG1 molecule structure i would recommend to search elsewhere.