Patch journal for Moog DFAM


With augmented reality

Experiment, save, recall, repeat

Store and recall patch settings

Moog DFAM patches can be saved in one of the preset slots with just a tap.

Later, these patches can be recalled and activated with minimal effort, so you can spend less time on dialing-in your setup, and more time making music.

All DFAM parameters

All Moog DFAM parameters are easily stored with the PATCH JOURNAL app. Flip a switch, spin a knob, and plug in a patch cable.
Every configuration is saved effortlessly, in a single place, on your mobile device.

PATCH JOURNAL for Moog DFAM and Augmented reality

We can use augmented reality:

1. Position your iPhone or iPad in front of the DFAM control panel.

2. The app will automatically detect the control panel and project the relevant preset information onto the screen.

3. Dial in the parameters on the DFAM, and you’re all set!

Introducing the creator

PATCH JOURNAL for Moog DFAM is a new experiment from Tommy Rombouts, an artist and tech enthusiast who’s dedicated to pushing music culture forward at the intersection of music and technology. Find out more about his experiments on:

Personal blog:

Instagram: @TomyTones

Company website: