Archive 2011: Animation & Infographics

Explainer video

Polar Circles untaps human potential with Expeditions, Expositions, Keynote Speeches, Corporate Conferences, Polar Guiding
To enrich their motivational speeches i created 4 animation clips. The clips set the mood and inform the audience in a fun way about the next topic that will come up, during the speeches. Inserting short animation clips are very effective in breaking the “Power Point Modus”.

By using the same “look and feel” (from the animation) in the presentation slides, the audience will experience the complete speech much more like a smooth multi(ple) media experience.
In this version we can hear a Dutch voice-over, whilst the text in the visual is English, a way to deal with multiple languages (typical for European events).

Main tools used:
Maxon Cinema4D
Adobe After Effects
Apple Logic Studio